1. Is there an operation we can use that would overlay and stretch these curves optimally (given they are on different axes), and then provide a metric to quantify the “similarity” between these two curves? Simple x-y correlation loses the time series covariation. Perhaps something like a minimum Euclidian distance? Also, given the raw data are kind of noisy, the raw data are fitted with GAM functions (which are the curves you see below), rather than using the “point to point” trends. However these come with a level of uncertainty (i.e. the 95% confidence intervals, indicated by the area fill). Is there a way of propagating this uncertainty in the “similarity” metric? Perhaps a similarity metric with a +/- value that takes the variation of the GAM functions into account?

    Various curves needing to be compared statistically for their degree of similarity.

    python code used to make plots. These are geology-geochemistry plots, where depth is treated like a time series, reading from bottom (oldest) to top (youngest). Apologies for how long the code is, I am not an expert coder.

    import pandas as pd
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import numpy as np
    from pygam import LinearGAM, s, f

    # Read data
    data = pd.read_csv(“Geochemical data.csv”, encoding=”latin1″)
    data[“Depth”] = pd.to_numeric(data[“Depth”])

    # Columns to convert to numeric
    columns_to_convert = [“proxy_1”, “Depth”, “proxy_2″]

    # Convert columns to numeric, replacing non-numeric values with NaN
    data[columns_to_convert] = data[columns_to_convert].apply(pd.to_numeric, errors=’coerce’)

    # Drop rows with NaN values in the specified columns
    data = data.dropna(subset=columns_to_convert)

    # Filter data by drillcore and remove NaN values
    data_filtered = data[(data[‘Drillcore_ID’] == ‘drillcore example’) & (~data[‘proxy_1’].isna()) & (~data[‘proxy_2’].isna())]

    # Set the figure and subplot
    fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(4, 12))

    # Fit GAM models
    model_proxy_1 = LinearGAM(s(0, n_splines=20, lam=0.6)).fit(data_filtered[‘Depth’], data_filtered[‘proxy_1’])
    model_proxy_2 = LinearGAM(s(0, n_splines=20, lam=0.6)).fit(data_filtered[‘Depth’], data_filtered[‘proxy_2’])

    # Generate Depth values for plotting the models
    depth_values = np.linspace(min(data_filtered[‘Depth’]), max(data_filtered[‘Depth’]), num=100)

    # Predict values using the GAM models
    predictions_proxy_1 = model_proxy_1.predict(depth_values)
    predictions_proxy_2 = model_proxy_2.predict(depth_values)

    # Set the style

    # Add secondary x-axis for CA_Hop variable
    ax2 = ax1.twiny()
    ax2.plot(data_filtered[‘proxy_2’], data_filtered[‘Depth’], ‘o’, markersize=3, color=”#FF0000″)
    ax2.plot(predictions_proxy_2, depth_values, ‘–‘, linewidth=0.75, color=”#FF0000″)
    ax2.set_xlabel(r’Proxy 2′, color=”#FF0000″)
    ax2.tick_params(axis=’x’, labelcolor=”#FF0000″)
    ax2.set_xlim(25, 75)

    # Plot results for d15N
    ax1.plot(data_filtered[‘proxy_1’], data_filtered[‘Depth’], ‘o’, markersize=3, color=”#30638E”)
    ax1.plot(predictions_proxy_1, depth_values, ‘-‘, linewidth=0.75, color=”#30638E”)
    ax1.set_ylabel(“Depth (m)”)
    ax1.set_xlabel(r’Proxy 1′, color=”#30638E”)
    ax1.tick_params(axis=’x’, labelcolor=”#30638E”)
    ax1.set_xlim(8.5, 4.5)

    # Generate confidence intervals for the GAM models
    confidence_intervals_proxy_2 = model_proxy_2.confidence_intervals(depth_values, width=0.95)
    confidence_intervals_proxy_1 = model_proxy_1.confidence_intervals(depth_values, width=0.95)

    # Plot confidence intervals
    ax2.fill_betweenx(depth_values, confidence_intervals_proxy_2[:, 0], confidence_intervals_proxy_2[:, 1], alpha=0.2, color=”#FF0000″)
    ax1.fill_betweenx(depth_values, confidence_intervals_proxy_1[:, 0], confidence_intervals_proxy_1[:, 1], alpha=0.2, color=”#30638E”)

    # Customize the plot
    for ax in [ax1, ax2]:
    ax.set_xlabel(r’Proxy 1′, color=”#30638E”)
    ax.tick_params(axis=’x’, labelcolor=”#30638E”)
    ax.set_xlim(8.5, 4.5)
    ax.set_ylim(590, 260)


    ax.grid(True, which=’minor’, color=’#EAEAEA’, linestyle=’–‘)

    # Set secondary x-axis limits
    ax2.set_xlabel(r’Proxy 2′, color=”#FF0000″)
    ax2.tick_params(axis=’x’, labelcolor=”#FF0000″)
    ax2.set_xlim(25, 75)


    # Save figures
    fig.savefig(“Geochemical example.png”, dpi=300, bbox_inches=’tight’, format=’png’, width=6, height=2)
    Geochemical data can be found below, apologies the heading have shifted to the left.

    Sample_ID Drillcore_ID Depth proxy_1 proxy_2 proxy_3
    Sample 1 drillcore example 271.95 NaN NaN 0.866
    Sample 2 drillcore example 275.76 NaN NaN 0.786
    Sample 3 drillcore example 279.35 NaN NaN NaN
    Sample 4 drillcore example 289.85 NaN NaN 0.394
    Sample 5 drillcore example 295.3 NaN NaN 0.745
    Sample 6 drillcore example 313.43 5.5 59.5 1.429
    Sample 7 drillcore example 330.4 NaN NaN NaN
    Sample 8 drillcore example 338.8 6 73.3 0.926
    Sample 9 drillcore example 341.1 5.8 50 1.208
    Sample 10 drillcore example 365.2 6.6 72.4 1.844
    Sample 11 drillcore example 371.76 7.5 71.3 0.799
    Sample 12 drillcore example 376.4 6.8 56.7 1.354
    Sample 13 drillcore example 382.22 NaN NaN 1.261
    Sample 14 drillcore example 393.7 10.9 23.5 0.223
    Sample 15 drillcore example 402.4 6.5 59.4 0.303
    Sample 16 drillcore example 406.7 6.2 74.2 0.401
    Sample 17 drillcore example 414.75 6.5 79.4 0.408
    Sample 18 drillcore example 423.1 NaN NaN 0.497
    Sample 19 drillcore example 429.7 6.7 81.5 0.445
    Sample 20 drillcore example 443.7 7.1 62.3 0.657
    Sample 21 drillcore example 450 7.1 75.8 0.758
    Sample 22 drillcore example 452.1 6.2 56.1 0.783
    Sample 23 drillcore example 457.2 6.6 68.9 0.631
    Sample 24 drillcore example 461.83 7.8 65.7 0.802
    Sample 25 drillcore example 465.3 5.9 47.6 0.74
    Sample 26 drillcore example 470.7 6.3 69.8 0.878
    Sample 27 drillcore example 474.4 6.6 60.6 0.927
    Sample 28 drillcore example 477 7.1 64.8 0.826
    Sample 29 drillcore example 478.2 5.9 53.4 0.751
    Sample 30 drillcore example 485 6.5 71.2 0.971
    Sample 31 drillcore example 489 6.4 72.1 0.948
    Sample 32 drillcore example 492.98 NaN NaN 1.049
    Sample 33 drillcore example 494.5 5.6 49.1 0.925
    Sample 34 drillcore example 494.6 6.5 66 0.86
    Sample 35 drillcore example 498.88 5.6 63.9 1.075
    Sample 36 drillcore example 506 5.1 70.5 1.201
    Sample 37 drillcore example 515.35 5.4 68.7 1.087
    Sample 38 drillcore example 522.68 5.4 85.5 0.995
    Sample 39 drillcore example 527.32 5.5 63 0.892
    Sample 40 drillcore example 542.61 6.2 69.4 0.801
    Sample 41 drillcore example 552.62 6.2 37.3 0.625
    Sample 42 drillcore example 558.9 8 41.4 1.369
    Sample 43 drillcore example 561.5 6 33.8 0.465
    Sample 44 drillcore example 577 6.6 56.7 4.55
    Sample 45 drillcore example 578.5 7.4 56.5 2.707

    • 1
  2. Can u pls Explain about the Error codes of the browser

    • 0
    • Status code Meaning
      1xx Informational
      100 Continue
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      4xx Client Error
      400 Bad Request
      401 Unauthorized
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      5xx Server Error
      500 Internal Server Error
      501 Not Implemented
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      507 Insufficient Storage
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